Originally Posted by maverickdrinker
The boat that we will be on is the Princess Empress. HAs anyone been on that boat? CAn you share your thoughts/experiences with me?
Here is the "skinny" on this ship. ( I think you are trying to say Emerald Princess...Empress is another ship on RCL. )
Casino with private cocktail lounge for cigars and spirits and it came into service in 07.
This is the sister ship to the Crown and Carribean and these are big ships that have the outdoor movie theaters which are fun but you gotta get there early.
It will take you a day or 2 to get your bearings as far as where things are on this boat. Remember to use the main floor to get back and forth from one of the ship to the other...not all floors go thru. I would advise doing the late dinner or the "Anytime Dining" so you can plan your day around your activities instead of the other way around. Also, eat at the Crown Grill as this is a restaurant you will pay $20 per person but WOW,,,is it good and it's more personal and you won't regret it.
Again let me stress to you that if you want to use the pool get a chair early as they fill up esp. on those days at sea.
Speak Easy Cigar Lounge on Emerald