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Old 04-13-2010, 11:59 PM   #261
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Default Re: iPhone Sucks and Apple are Bastards

Originally Posted by goalie204 View Post
Serious iphone question tho, does one get used to texting on a touch screen, and can it be done reasonably fast compared to a physical kb?
I used a BB for 5+ yrs and it certainly took a little getting used to, but the auto-spell correct is amazingly accurate so you won't find it that bad. I do miss the delete key (vs just the backspace) and the ability to easily to to the middle of a word to correct spelling and punctuation though. Unfortunately the auto-correct is almost too accurate as it doesn't force you to become more accurate in your touch strokes and that always catches me out in fields like usernames and passwords that done use the auto-correct feature.
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