..............that occasion.
Well, perhaps I am getting to be a real old fart and have too much time to reflect at times but it seems that the answer to this often asked question is really so, so, so simple.
Here is the simple answer to this complex question:
ANY cigar that you enjoy.
What it is:
It is about the moment that you want to enjoy.
It is about the fact you can live that moment, period!
It is about the friends that are around you if you happen to be surrounded by friends at that time or special person(s).
It is about remembering the moment and looking forward to doing it all over again.
What it is not:
It is NOT about the cigar as often misunderstood. The cigar is just a willing participant in your fine moment in time.
It is NOT about what anyone else considers to be the quality of the cigar as quality is perceived so differently by so many.
It is NOT about what anyone else considers to be the taste of the cigar as tastes vary so vastly from person to person.
It is NOT about what anyone considers a cheap cigar or expensive cigar as it is your wallet that is flipping the bill.
It is mostly definitely NOT about what anyone thinks you should smoke.
Just my

from a rapidly growing old man.
That said, thinking of smoking a cigar, what should I have?