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Old 04-13-2010, 02:41 AM   #1541
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Default Re: NHL '09 - '10 Thread

Originally Posted by icehog3 View Post
Besides the series with "your" team in it, what series are you looking most forward to in the playoffs?

For me, it is the Wings Vs the 'Yotes. Should be awesome hockey.
Just locked myself into some tickets for the first home game of the Wings/Yotes series

Vancouver vs LA because I think Vancouver is a weak 3 seed and I'm looking for LA to upset them. I'll be watching both the Sharks and the Blackhawks games very closely.

The Eastern conference games don't excite me. I was thinking maybe Boston vs Buffalo but I say Ryan Miller already has the series locked up. I don't think Boston has the goal scoring ability to really knock off the Sabres.
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