Originally Posted by Ratters
I'm addicted in the sense that if I had to take a two week break on smoking it would be hard and really suck. But I'll go two or three days without one and there's no physical effect. I usually smoke 2-3 a day, and 4-8 at events or herfs. And I don't think you need to inhale, you get plenty of nicotine from just puffing. But I think cigar addiction is more of a mental thing than a physical one.
I Also Agree.
As you know, cigar tobacco is the only tobacco that is fermented. Numerous books and articles on the subject of curing and fermenting cigar tobacco explain what happens to the leaf. The fermentation process is sometimes referred to as "sweating" the leaf. Among other things, ammonia is sweated out of the leaf as well as reducing nicotine content. Many people don't realize that cigar tobacco is actually quite low in nicotine.