Cello on or off?
I am an Apple idiot for a lack of a better word based on some of the anti Apple comments on this board.
I own an iPhone
I own TWO iPods
I own an iPod Touch First Gen (for my grandson's use)
I own a MacBook
I own an Airport Extreme wireless router
I buy my music from iTunes
I can't wait for the next iPhone to come out this summer
I am thinking of buying an iPad
Yeah, that Steve Jobs is an idiot who makes dumb crap that gets intelligent people who run major companies, who earn six figures, to act like idiots and just buy all his crap that doesn't work.
I guess I do it it because I haven't figured out yet how to break the spell. Of course, it has absolutely nothing to do with what I perceive to be quality and joy of use. Nope. Nothing to do with that at all.
I was doing some reading earlier and stumbled on a thing that as an Apple user I am not familiar with.
Can someone explain what "Anti Virus Software" means?
Why would I spend $50 annually on this?
Seems it is only for PC's and am concerned it is not for my MacBook.
