Originally Posted by mosesbotbol
It's not that I dislike Apple so much as disliking the cult of personality the fans have of it. Apple will make something as simple as a headphone jack proprietary and Apple fans see that as a "feature".
Every product has it's fanboi's, the more niche the product the more rabid and insular (and loud) they tend to be. That's even more so when you're dealing with a company like Apple who's products tend to be highly (read: over) priced fashion accessories/statements for some of their customer base.
Don't get me wrong, Mac is a fabulous OS and if you're a graphics, photography, video or design professional there's nothing better on the market today. However if, like most people, you use your computer primarily for email/web/documents/looking at pictures/watching video, any Windows or Linux based PC can do just as good a job for 50% or less the total cost. For many people that choose Mac, the extra cost simply doesn't matter that much. They're happy to pay the premium for their chosen platform and quietly go on doing their thing, just as most Windows and Linux users do.
For a small subset though they have to try to justify their purchase in their own mind and that expresses itself in the stereotypical "RAH RAH RAH, Mac is so much better than everything else. RAH RAH RAH!!" fanboi-ism that's become associated with Apple people. You see the same thing in the Linux world, just with the cool factor that Mac has replaced by a geek factor. Rarely do you see it with Windows, but that's just because it's hard to get that passionate about something which is the defacto standard and on 95% of the machines out there.