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Old 04-08-2010, 08:56 AM   #45
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Default Re: iPhone Sucks and Apple are Bastards

Originally Posted by AD720 View Post
Personally I would avoid the HD2. It's the biggest screen, blah, blah but under the hood it's still Win-Mo 6.5. I've been fighting with that OS on 3 different phones for the last 2 years and finally jumped shipped to Android. I don't care how great the hardware is, that OS is crippled. Plus there is NO plan to make it upgradable with WinMo 7. (which could be a lot better than 6.5 but know MSft it won't be - already no multitasking, among other things).

Honestly anything you go to after your iPhone is going to be a rough road. Out of what you mentioned I'd lean toward the N1 I guess, it's stock vanilla Android but there are some folks over at XDA that figured out how to make it run Sense UI.

Actually the HD2 will get WinMo7. Whether your carrier will do it is another thing. But HTC will be doing an upgrade. And as far as WinMo7 is concerned I have used it and it seems very bloated. Maybe once the custom roms come out it will be better. As for 6.5 put SPB Mobile Shell on it and it is awesome. That said if you are not comfortable putting custom roms or overlay programs on your phone, any WinMo phone is probably not a good idea. What makes them the best IMO is the huge amount of customization available from the community of users.
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