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Old 04-07-2010, 11:05 PM   #1
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Default Have you ever been handed a free cigar by a random stranger in public

So this morning I was walking from the wife's office to my client's office across the downtown core.

I was at the corner of Burrard and Robson (Vancouver BC ) when I smelled the sweet smell of a cigar.

Looked around and noticed some dude in his early 30's with a Starbucks and a robusto. As the light turned green, I ended up walking beside him...

"Hey, what are you smoking?"

"Some Cuban"

"No SH.IT, I smoke a ton of those..."

And so I started walking and talking with this dude... I figure he was French / Spanish / WTF do I know?

I think I freaked him out... He reached inside his jacket and insisted I accept another robusto... I couldn't get out of him what it was....

Basically, a sometime smoker who also smoked a pipe cuz his wife let him smoke that inside...

I gave him my e-mail address to flip me a line and I would hook him up with some useful URLs ( like Heartfelt beads which his humidor desperately needs)

I'm smoking it right now... dunno what is other than cap looks OK... Fairly light... Unbanded... Tastes decent enough...

Funny way to start the work day.
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