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Old 04-06-2010, 08:28 AM   #138
I'm nuts for the place
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Default Re: Cigars On Cruise

We will be on the Celebrity Solstice in July but unfortunately Celebrity only allows smoking outside. We chose them because other than Celebrity only Carnival had the same itinerary during the same time which is when we would have to go with the wife being a teacher but after a couple negative experiences with them we refuse to ever cruise with Carnival again. Normally I would have spent more money for a balcony room but because they don't allow smoking on the balconies we got a regular room which makes me wonder how many other cigar smokers or cigarette smokers make the same decision because of the tight restrictions on smoking on their ships and if they are losing money on upgraded rooms because of it. It was a tough decision to choose whether to go with Celebrity or risk trying Carnival again especially since my wife cruised on the Solstice when she went to Europe last summer so she will be on the same ship for a second time. I am really shocked they don't have a lounge. When we cruised before my routine was to always hit the lounge after dinner to enjoy a smoke before heading to a show or some other activity.
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