Re: Cigar smoking and Life Insurance premiums.
I think there are a number of prior threads on this subject.
I too listed myself as a moker.
I had been to a massive herf in Chicago and then smoked more that week, prior to bloodwork.
I must have smoked 15 cigars just up to two days before the test.
My bloodwork came back with as minimal insignificant findings as that of my wife and daughter, neither of which smoke and are seldom if ever exposed to my smoke. Additionally, it was the same result as my son who smokes quite less than I do.
So............agent voluntarily made changes and listed me as non smoker, in spite of plea to leave it as is as I did not want to lie in an insurance application. I made him sign a paper saying I insisted he list me as a smoker and it was his choice not to so I could cover myself if ever an issue.
Just like my case, I have heard many similar ones with cigar smokers. Cigarettes? Totally different ballgame.
Little known fact: I am a former member of the Village People - The Indian