Behind every problem lies opportunituy. There is no better time than the present to look outside of our situations and seize the opportunities that are waiting. It may be uncomfortable, and it will be challenging, but the rewards will be worth it. Never give up...remember, it's not about getting knocked down by our problems, it's about getting back up one more time than you get knocked down.
Originally Posted by Scottw
The meaning of "Somebody has it worse". In the past year, I lost my home to a fire, had both my shoulders reconstructed and missed 6 weeks of work (I work on commissions), had a daughter in the hospital for 5 days while doctors thought she had a fatal skin infection (she is 15)and could lose her sight as it traveled to her eyes. My wife almost lost our baby from a difficult pregnancy. I got into some legal issues but still, there is someone worst off. I send my prayers to them. Being that this is thanksgiving week coming up, let's give thanks that we are here and have the luxury of enjoying cigars, friends and community.
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