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Old 11-22-2008, 12:46 AM   #65
Going Commando
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Default Re: How do you feel?

Originally Posted by Waynegro1 View Post
I feel absolutely awful. I just got back from one of my most dreaded ambulance calls. I can't explain how it feels to have a mother crying and screaming for you to save her child and yet there is NOTHING you can do, no matter how hard you try. I feel so powerless and helpless all at the same time. I don't know what else to say, I don't know what else to do. Out of all the calls I've been on these are the hardest for me. Nothing else phases me, but when it comes to children, GOD. I feel so sorry for this family, I can't imagine.
I've got 5 1/2 hours to go of a 24 hour shift and all I want to do is go home and squeeze my son as tight as I can and never let him go.
I'm sorry for the downer fellas, I have never talked about a call on here before. I guess emotions have gotten the best of me and I just needed to let it out a bit.

The meaning of "Somebody has it worse". In the past year, I lost my home to a fire, had both my shoulders reconstructed and missed 6 weeks of work (I work on commissions), had a daughter in the hospital for 5 days while doctors thought she had a fatal skin infection (she is 15)and could lose her sight as it traveled to her eyes. My wife almost lost our baby from a difficult pregnancy. I got into some legal issues but still, there is someone worst off. I send my prayers to them. Being that this is thanksgiving week coming up, let's give thanks that we are here and have the luxury of enjoying cigars, friends and community.
"Ray when someone asks you if your a GOD you say yes."
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