Thread: Nica Libre
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Old 04-02-2010, 09:01 AM   #104
Gramps 4x's
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Default Re: Nica Libre

Originally Posted by shilala View Post
That's why I stayed away initially, Carlos. Figured it looked good, tasted like poop. It brought to mind the Padron Alts I once tried. They were pointless, tasted like nothing. The older they got, the more nothing they got. The crappy dyed wrappers stayed really dark brown while the filler and binder turned hay yellow. Definately comical to look at.
I have to admit that while I crapped on this brand initially when I did the Exclusivo, the other two have been enjoyable smokes, on their own merit, as long as you don't compare them to Padrons, which I would call the NC Holy Grail.
The Principe and the Torpedo were good smokes. Quickies, but good.

The less to be desired poor construction with the voids on three out of five is my pet peeve.
Little known fact: I am a former member of the Village People - The Indian
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