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Old 04-02-2010, 06:10 AM   #19
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Default Re: Cigars & A Long Life?

Nice story.

Originally Posted by icehog3 View Post
I figure the percentage chance of early death from some malady caused by cigar smoking is far outweighed by the percentage chance of not having a stroke thanks to the relaxation cigars bring to my life.

This is where I fall in my belief of things. I know that there is an element of risk in being a cigar smoker, however, I feel that the benefits of the relaxation and connection to my fellow smokers at a herf FAR outweigh those risks. As far as health goes, I went in to the doc yesterday to help me deal with a cough/sinus infection and had my bp and heart rate taken. BP was 110/70, and the nurse said I had "the blood pressure of a teenager" (I'm 36). My resting heart rate was 58. As many of you know, I work out, and started running triathlons last year, but if smoking was so bad for me, wouldn't those numbers be higher/worse?

And another thought I have on this subject...think about this...aren't cigars viewed as a vice for the more affluent? As those smoking cigars would be considered more affluent, wouldn't it be considered true that they have access to better medical care, and would be able to get other issues taken care of? Then secondary health problems caused by cigar smoking would be mitigated and minimized. Just my
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