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Old 11-21-2008, 09:34 PM   #61
Da Klugs
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Default Re: How do you feel?

Originally Posted by Texan in Mexico View Post
Thank you for listening to the ramblings of some guy smoking a Siglo III at his kitchen table in Cancun.


Thanks for sharing. I feel like smacking you virtually with envy over location as it snows and snows here.

Your story is not unlike many entrepreneurs who have had to "start over" sometimes more than once. For me it was 5 times. First 3 with virtually nothing but what was between my ears and legs.

Economic times like this are a concern for everyone. Fear is the worst possible reaction though. Fear keeps you on the couch vs going out finding "what you need" be it more business, interviews etc. Action, energy and effort will always yield greater results than the couch. Many in the Midwest have had to become locationally entrepreneurial and move to other places in the country that are growing and have jobs. OH is the # 1 producer of teachers graduating from colleges in the country. It has a declining population though so many must leave the state to find work. I have many friends who have "moved south" due to the general decline in industry here over the past 10 years. The rest of the country is now feeling the pain that many in the Midwest have been through and continue to experience in housing price delcines, reduced employment opportunities, etc.
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