Thread: Rolex Owners?..
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Old 04-01-2010, 12:37 PM   #123
Gramps 4x's
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Default Re: Rolex Owners?..

Originally Posted by Christoff View Post
Same here. I have had mine for a little over five years and the bracelet is pretty loose. I have thought about taking it to a jeweler to see if they can do anything about it; I imagine not though. Still love the thing.
I was told once they loosen up, not much to cure that problem, specially if gold.
Mine is 16 years old and the bracelet is still pretty tight, almost as if new. The guy at the jewelry store in Vegas even commented on how surprised he was to see it such good shape.
My secret is simple (I think). My friend that use to work for Rolex told me from the moment I got it to make sure it fit snug on my wrist, that it didn't sit loose with any play.
I have worn it that way ever since and I guess it must work well indeed.
BTW, that drove me nuts to get use to as I hated a anything tight on my wrist.
Eventually, I got over it.
Little known fact: I am a former member of the Village People - The Indian
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