Originally Posted by mosesbotbol
Does not matter to me whether he has one or not; it’s pretty lame if he is lying though. What will be a truth or fiction when posts from there on in? It’s not worth talking BS on forums or bragging about you have.
One thing I know is true, no matter how many Rolex, cigars, hot babes, max bench press… someone else has got more, done more. Pissing contests are futile, and if you have a health issue or no joy in life, it’s all in vain.
I know people that probably have more than all of us on this thread, and they would trade it all for a solid crap and a positive outlook on life. Enjoy what you have, be thankful you have the health to enjoy it, and the grass is not greener.
Agree 100%. A friend of mine owns one of the largest and best known diamond places in NYC, you would never figure out he does if you'd look for "signs" of watches or jewelry, he's just not in "show" and many others aren't, either.
And while we're awaiting "proof"... Imagine a high school kid approaching someone on a street in OH and ask if he can snap a picture of the man's Rolex. What could go wrong?