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Old 11-21-2008, 08:47 PM   #57
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Default Re: How do you feel?

Originally Posted by BigBruce View Post
Well My job is really recession proof. I believe the army is still hiring as we speak. As for my over all life it is being affected by the recession. My girlfriend was laid off from work last week. She has a BA in interior design. Can't find work anywhere including wal-mart and other small jobs. She has student loans coming due in January. Plus she has no health insurance as she has been out of school for 6 months. Now I'm looking at my government paycheck wondering if I can even get married. So all day I think about this crap. Guess all I can do is just hope for the best along with every other American.
Tell her to check into what deferments are available from the holder of her note, and to work 'em every which way she can.
"It's the cigars that bring us together, but it's the people that cause us to stay."
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