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Old 03-31-2010, 08:11 PM   #39
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Default Re: How To Snork / Retrohale

Originally Posted by wayner123 View Post
I personally retrohale quite often, and yes I watched the video. That diagram is not the most accurate but does well to prove and show his point in the video. The research has shown that orthonasal actually stimulates more and different brain activity/areas. But that is not my point either. My point is as I stated above: "If you are looking for more flavor and don't want to, or can't retrohale there are other ways of gaining more flavor."

On an aside note, I doubt very highly that stogiefresh coined the term "retrohale". Stoners use that term and probably even before I was born. I don't want to seem like I am bashing the video. It was very well done and I think it will help many people out.
Agreed, that was pretty cocky of him to say he invented the word
As for other options to increasing flavor in lieu of the retrohale, I'd be interested in hearing them, it's always nice to add a technique to the repertoire
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