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Old 03-31-2010, 07:33 PM   #36
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Default Re: How To Snork / Retrohale

Originally Posted by akumushi View Post
Think of it this way, when you're smelling the cigar from the wisps of smoke coming off the cigar or out of your mouth, the smoke is quickly mixing with the air and puffing out in a big, diffuse cloud, the smoke is just a faint "whiff" of the draw you took into your mouth, like putting a few drops of wine in a glass of water and then drinking it. It can say from experience that some of the more subtle flavors are lost when only using this method. When you're snorking, the smoke is mainlined straight to your olfactory receptors, and an experienced nose-smoker can modulate the dilution and control how much of the smoke, or how intense of a flavor it is that he gets, by what ratio of smoke to air he pushes through his nose. If you look at the drawing of the nose in the video from the OP (did you watch it?) you'll see that the path from the back of the throat hits the olfactory senses more directly and with less dilution of the smoke. That's why you get more flavor. I can tell you as a former mouth smoker who used to think he got plenty of flavor just from sniffing a little bit of an exhale, that the retrohale is a competely different beast. When you do it right, you'll know what we're talking about.
I personally retrohale quite often, and yes I watched the video. That diagram is not the most accurate but does well to prove and show his point in the video. The research has shown that orthonasal actually stimulates more and different brain activity/areas. But that is not my point either. My point is as I stated above: "If you are looking for more flavor and don't want to, or can't retrohale there are other ways of gaining more flavor."

On an aside note, I doubt very highly that stogiefresh coined the term "retrohale". Stoners use that term and probably even before I was born. I don't want to seem like I am bashing the video. It was very well done and I think it will help many people out.
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