Thread: Rolex Owners?..
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Old 03-31-2010, 01:30 PM   #56
Gramps 4x's
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Default Re: Rolex Owners?..

Originally Posted by tx_tuff View Post
Carlos, great story and I understand the Rolex prestige. But never wanted one myself. Do any of y'all ever have a problem with them? One post earlier said "doesn't keep good time but nice watch". Nice watch that doesn't keep good time? Anyway my point is that my ex worked at a jewelry store that had a watch maker certified to work on Rolex, and it was the most brought in watch with problems. My understanding is you pretty much have to wear them every day or get that automatic watch winder, other wise you will have problems.

Anyway I want a Concord watch myself, nothing to crazy under the $1000.00 mark.
I love my two tone Concord Saratoga.
Neat looking watch. Just afraid to wear it.

As far as the Rolex, mine keeps time very well.
My wife's and my mom's do also.
My dad's on the other hand, different story.
So 3 out of 4.

I had mine serviced once due to stupidity.
I beat the crap out of my mail box post with a bat (someone hit it with a car and it fell over), trying to dig it in a bit until I got the post replaced so I could still get mail delivery, and did it with my watch on. As result, stopped working completely and had to send it in to Rolex in NY. Cost me almost $600 by the time they were done, as also replaced the crystal, hands and forget what else (hands due to glow in the dark crap fading out).

My dad serviced his once due to not working well.
My mom and wife have never serviced theirs in nearly 14-15 years.
Little known fact: I am a former member of the Village People - The Indian
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