Thread: Rolex Owners?..
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Old 03-31-2010, 11:27 AM   #42
Gramps 4x's
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Default Re: Rolex Owners?..

Originally Posted by colinb913 View Post
pnoon, yr right. Just gotta see it from their point of view.
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Peter is always a wise man.

This subject is no different than many others.
There are different strokes for different folks.
We each have personal preferences and personal financial situations.

Interesting story of how I got mine.
My wife use to work for North American Watch Company (Movado, Corum, Piaget and Concord).
She use to buy Movados for me on employee sales. Got some of the most beautiful ones they make really cheap. An $800 watch for $150 as an example. Before she left, we bought a Concord Saratoga for me with diamonds on dial and bezel, two tone, with 18 KT gold. Beautiful watch I never wear as is kept in the bank vault so as to not have my arm cut off. $7,000 watch for $1,500. What a deal!

After a while of accumulating watches, after each and every one of them, I said to her, honey, these are all very, very nice but they are certainly not a Rolex.
For our anniversary, I was surprised one day with the Rolex.
The girl worked her butt off, saved a ton of money, put the rest on a credit card, and got me my watch.

So, for me, it is more than a Rolex. It is an ultimate gift from a life long partner who sacrificed herself to get it for me. As such, it is the nicest watch I will ever own in the world and nothing can compare to it, not even a Platinum one with diamonds on the dial, bezel and band, worth well over six figures.

A few years later, I reciprocated and got her the matching ladie's version of mine. I bet if you ask her, she feels the same about her Rolex. Took me a while to pay that one off also.
Little known fact: I am a former member of the Village People - The Indian
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