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Old 03-30-2010, 12:31 PM   #19
Can't stop whats coming
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Default Re: What Ultra Premium Cigar is worth the price?

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Ha... but in reality, I don't go north of 8-10 a stick by the box, and normally won't go north of 5.00 a stick by the box unless its something I have to have, but even that has not happened..... yet. A cab of something special Litto does could one day ruin that for me though. My most expensive box purchase to date was (still have most of it) Tatuaje Noellas pre-SCHIP at 156.00 shipped from Holts.

I thought I was ballin' at the time too considering how cheap I am when it comes to most smokes. Cigars to me experience the law of diminishing returns real quick as the price escalates. YMMV
"...Ain't no dark till somethin' shines..."
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