Originally Posted by TheRiddick
I recommend you first choose a provider. Many of them these days include the price of getting a domain name in their fees, no need for you to spend extra (even if its not that much, anyway). And price should not be your primary selection when choosing a provider, IMO, up time and service (and getting someone to either pick up a phone or answer an email within seconds when needed) should be of importance first. I use InMotion hosting and they are great.
Sometimes the hosting providers charge a fee to do the registration themselves so it can be less expensive to do it yourself. Also some providers do not register you as the technical owner, so if you change providers you have to go through the extra hassle of having the provider transfer the technical role management of the domain to you. Not saying that they all do this, but it does happen pretty frequently.
Also, my list is not in any particular order of importance or anything else. Just random stream of conciousness...