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Old 03-29-2010, 10:45 AM   #8
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Default Re: Is 3D being over done?

Originally Posted by Darrell View Post
I was thinking yesterday while watching How to train your dragon in 3D, I cannot help but feel that 3D is being over done. It's like the latest trend in film making and I feel like it is too much too soon.

I enjoy a 3D movie on occasion, though I will admit it gives me a headache and I have to take the glasses off a few times during the movie and close my eyes.

I feel like Hollywood is going to use this technology as a means to market crappy movies. This has not been the case with every 3D movie, but it has been the case with several (Alice in Wonderland, Spy Kids 3D, etc.)

Our HD technology is not even perfected yet and everyone seems balls to the wall with putting stuff in 3D.


Hollywood needs to focus on new screenplays and fresh ideas and less 3D.


Similar thoughts were expressed when movies went from silent to sound, that sound would be the downfall of the silent actors. They adapted a new acting style which was less mime and more natural. Movies survived.

When movies went from B&W to color some people predicted that color would allow movie makers to produce sheer crap and just dazzle you with the colors rather than substance and quality. They couldn't have been more wrong.

Television was predicted to be the death of movies on a number of occasions. This prediction has yet to come to be. Movies grew and became more than what they had been.

3D isn't the end of quality movies, rather, it's beginning of a new era for movie making. It's in it's infancy now and growing by leaps and bounds, you can't judge it this early on. Will it replace 2D movies? Hard to say. But it will, at the very least, supplement them. Your great grandparents or grandparents and partents watched these other technologies unfold, now you have a front seat to this one. Enjoy the show.

Those scripts that you feel sucked? Some of them still would have been green-lit if there was no 3D, not all of them were written specifically for 3D. There have always been crappy scripts. There will always be crappy scripts.

Originally Posted by Darrell View Post
My other concern is their are a few movies that are 3D that the kids will want when they come out. How will those transfer to our home TV?
They'll be flat, kind of 2D.

The spectacle won't be there, for the short term. In about 2 years there will be 3D home HDTVs and players available.
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