Blueface (& others), you're either too paranoid or not paranoid enough.
Presuming you file income tax returns (you DO file them, don't you?), you've already given them a ton & 1/2 of your personal info & then some. Address? Check. Occupation? Check. Every bank account on which you earn interest? Check. Every investment on which you get dividends? Check. Where you work? With whom you have your mortgage? Check & Check. Your social security number, which can then be used to pull up every credit card, auto loan & other debt you've had, not to mention your birthday? Oh yeah, that too.
Shall I continue, or has my point been made?
The federal government already knows more about you than you might know about yourself. The census info requested is benign compared to all the other info you've already volunteered to the government. Get over it or move to a cave in the forest.