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Old 03-28-2010, 06:04 PM   #2137
Gonna make you groove...
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Default Re: What beers are you enjoying?

I recently came to the realization that there are several easily acquired "BA Top 100" beers that I have not tried. La Fin du Monde, Rochefort 8 and 10, Fantome Saison, Ayinger Celebrator Doppelbock, etc. So over the several few weeks I hope to try each of them and post reviews.

Today I had my first Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier, and was suprised at how well I liked this. I do not typically care a great deal for hefes, but this was as nice a beer as anyone could ask for. I can see myself drinking plenty of these in the summer.

Here is my reviiew of Weihenstephaner Hefe Weissbier. I gave it an "A".

Poured from a 16.9 oz bottle into a stange glass.

Appearance- Pours a hazy orange/tan, with a huge white head. Like a lemon merange pie.

Smell- Mostly ripe banana, but also some clove, pepper and biscuit. The initial aroma of ripe banana is terrific.

Taste- Sweet banana, but not cloyingly so. The citrus notes come through the sweetness and offset it nicely. Notes of clove and pepper. Overall this really comes together in a well balanced manner, each flavor component complements the others. This is not a "hop forward" or a "malt forward" beer, but rather a very well balanced beer.

Mouthfeel- Crisp, well carbonated, smooth, light mouthfeel, easy drinking.

Drinkability- I am really enjoying this beer. There are other styles I prefer to hefeweizen, but if I want to drink a wheat beer, this is the one I would choose. Well balanced, refreshing, easy drinking; this is the perfect summertime beer.
"We live in the good of this."

Last edited by BlackDog; 03-28-2010 at 06:10 PM.
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