Originally Posted by klipsch
Depends on what Cubans you're comparing too. I've had some aged Opus that taste like some Partagas. Personally, I feel that the only advantage that Cubans offer is price over NC's. You can get a very flavorful CC for $4-$5 Where it'll cost you $10+ for a NC that will even come close. But I feel that most CC's are one dimensional.
That is sooo true! You could drop 400 bucks on a box of Opus and probably not be as happy as dropping a 1/4 of that on a box of Party Shorts.
I think for me besides the price is the evolution of the CC's. With an NC's what you have in 5 years is pretty much what you had when you bought it, maybe a bit milder. But the CC's it's getting the chance to see what they become.