Originally Posted by shilala
I just swapped out a couple 300gb hdd's with a couple 1.5tb platters in my main rig. There's two more 200gb platters and another pair of 300gb platters in that machine for a total of 4tb now. I think that should do for awhile.
I did it because, as ridiculous as it sounds, 1.6tb was never enough.
I use the second drives of the same position as backups, in case one of my drives flakes.
The reason I mention this is that I have the same problem with my computer as my cigars. Never enough space.
How many gigs in your rig?
Originally Posted by kgoings
I have 4.something TB but it is setup in raid so I only really have 2TB of storage...I need more. Doing photography eats up storage...plus I rip a copy of all my DVD's when I get them...my kids are always scratching or losing my stuff!
2TB's, but I'm not mirroring the drives so that's pure storage space. I know, I'll be sorry if something fails, but I still have a burned hard copy of the movies, just start all over again.
I've got a wireless network set up to stream music and movies throughout the house, so I rip full ISO's of all my movies onto the network, and all of my music is on there as well. Then I create a main movie for either transfer or streaming to my iphone.
At 6-7 GB per ISO a TB doesn't get you very far. If I ever get a blu ray drive for the computer and start ripping blu rays on to the network I'm going to need a lot more space,