Did a search and didn't find a thread for the dead. I do not have cable cause I am a cheapskate.
But I DO like to watch good TV, so I just bought the Deadwood Series boxset the other day. I would
see it cleaning up at awards shows and kept thinking ONE DAY I am going to pick up a season and
check it out. Well, it's been some time, and after watching 3 of the 18 discs, obviously I am hooked
as would anyone be who likes western fare. You can't SHOW me a old western and get a rise
out of me, but I do like a good modern western. I think Open Range is fantastic, and we all love
Unforgiven, and about as far as I will go back is Spaghetti westerns. But now after seeing some
Deadwood, I am a little confused about one thing. I know they cursed alot back then, but these
people take cursing to a professional level I thought reserved for only the most advanced societies.
I am not saying they didn't toss F-bombs out the ass back then, but MAN, this is unbelievable. I am
not a prude, in fact I am as bad as a male Calamity Jane, but it WAS a little surprising from the first
minute of the series.