Thread: Census 2010
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Old 03-23-2010, 09:47 AM   #52
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Default Re: Census 2010

Originally Posted by cricky101 View Post
I filled mine out and mailed it yesterday, and lo and behold, the sun still rose this morning.

And between tax returns, passport applications and driver's license info, they already know everything about me.
May be true but look at it from my perspective being Cuban and being one of three Hispanic groups signaled out.
I can't help but scratch my head and wonder why my government is so interested in knowing how many of you there are yet is not interested in knowing about any of the many other Hispanics there are in the world residing in the US such as folks from Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Paraguay, Republica Dominicana, Spain, and the others I have left out.

Nope, not interested in any of those. Just Mexicans, Puerto Ricans and Cubans. Doesn't make me lose sleep but certainly makes me question what the intent is. I would have been OK if they asked if you are Hispanic and then asked what country, rather than focus on just three.

Ooops, forgot to read the next box asking if any other Hispanic origin.
I can sleep now.
There goes my conspiracy theory.
What the heck do I do with my time now?
Little known fact: I am a former member of the Village People - The Indian

Last edited by Blueface; 03-23-2010 at 09:58 AM.
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