Originally Posted by floydpink
As for the census, I don't mind filling it out because it might help the school funding in my area.
My question is how does you name and date of birth and phone number for contact help school funding?
My point is while that information may be harmless at the end of the day, what can possibly be added to it 10 years from now and be subject to a fine if you don't answer it?
I guess my hang up is why not send me a census, to my address, that asks for limited information about each person living in my home?
Questions asked:
1) Last name, First name of every resident. Don't think they need that other than for the owner of the home, residing there, as it would appear in the tax records.
2) How is the person related to you? Doesn't bother me to answer this one.
3) What is the person's sex? Doesn't bother me either.
4) What is the person's age and date of birth? Second part bothers me. Why do they need that at all?
5) Is this person Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish? Then if Hispanic, are you Mexican, Puerto Rican or Cuban? As a Cuban, this PISSES me off. Why don't they ask for other nationalities? Why Hispanics only? Why doesn't it ask about other Hispanics in this country like the masses of Venezuelans, Colombians, Nicaraguans and on and on and on?
6) What is the person's race? Can live with that one.
7) Does this person live or stay somewhere else? Well aholes, if you just asked about this person living in your household, why the hell ask if they live somewhere else? I guess we need to spend our money on identifying ALL college kids studying away from home. Important to spend money on figuring that one out.
This thing is stupid!