Re: Census 2010
While I agree that some of the ? are none of their beeswax, if you don't answer them, they'll pester you until you do, either by calling or visiting. Why do you think they hired all those workers- to go after those that don't fill out their forms or don't answer all the questions- by knocking on doors. Frankly, the questions really didn't bother me all that much- not like ten years ago when you got sent a book and they asked you about the number of bathrooms in your house and other stuff that REALLY had nothing to do with a census.
So, to avoid further contact, I'd suggest to swallow hard and just fill it out and send it in.
PS: I know that there are plenty of folks that are talking about what you "legally" have to answer etc, etc, but, bottom line, to avoid further contact with these people you might just as well answer the questions and be done with it.
 God loves you so much, that he made you read this, just to let you know.