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Old 03-20-2010, 07:03 PM   #24
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Default Re: Beer Prices v. Wine Prices

Originally Posted by TheRiddick View Post
But I do disagree with the second. I cannot imagine any beer to be as bad as Cremosa (is to cigars). Also, once again, taste is subjective, not objective. Some people simply don't like high end Belgian beers/ales, and some people don't like Cohibas no matter the "status" nor high price (exclusivity).
While there are some really bad beers out there, I do see the point you are making. Cigars like Cremosa should not be on the market, I can't think of any BEER that is quite as bad as a Cremosa. Budwesier = Macanudo, most consistant and highest selling in it's class, but very "plain". Natty Ice = Puros Indios. And so on.

The closest I can think of to a Cremosa for a something based on barley, malt, hops and yeast is some of the bad malt liquors like Earthquake or Pit Bull. They are just plain nasty. Go to one of the "40oz Malt Liquor" forums and even those guys bag on that crap. But, malt liquor has a bad rap to begin with, and from even a semi-purist standpoint, it's NOT beer.

(sorry Sancho)
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