Originally Posted by OLS
For a minute I was thinking, FINE, hens. But you mean game hens I guess, not Baking hens. Man, you guys in California say it's so great, but you can't get a whole fryer in the store? What is this, Russia?

No, just Campbell.
I've never had a problem finding whole fryers, even when I lived closer to where D. lives. Must just be the stores in his vicinity.
One of the markets here, I can even pick from commerical (Foster Farms), free range and free-range organic chickens. *shrug*
Every market in CA sells game hens, but I swear, other than the times I've bought them to cook beer-can hens, I've never seen anyone ever buy any, I seriously think that there are maybe 12 people in the entire state that buy game hens and they just travel from market to market to buy them up out of the markdown bins because they never sell until the butchers put them in the markdown bins for $2 for a twin-pack.