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Old 03-19-2010, 09:25 AM   #32
Feeling at Home
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Default Re: The Pacific - DISCUSSION THREAD

Originally Posted by OLS View Post
Haha, not to get into a contest, but I have been waiting for this for 5 years, back to when it was just a whisper of a possibility and Spielberg was scouting locations. That was the only shred of a hope my friend and I had about this possibility. What happened with me was my friend and co-worker brought his set in to work one day, and this was the first I had ever HEARD of BoB. I took em home for the weekend and was HOOKED. I watched them through 2wice over the weekend. I was like an addict wanting more. A few months later came this rumour about a similar series for the Pacific, cause S.S. was MOST interested in DOING something with the Pacific Theater to start with, but the BoB deal manifested first. As they say in boring Oscar speeches, "this has been a burning dream of mine for a long time", lol.
No contest here, the first I heard of the series was last summer/fall when they posted the first trailer online. I also sorta stumbled across Band of Brothers. I was channel surfing on night and stumbled across Day of Days and thought "Cool, Saving Private Ryan's on the telly. Wait a minute, that's not Saving Private Ryan..... what the hell is this?!?!?". Loved it then, bought the DVD set when it was released and then the Bluray last fall.

Not too surprised that the Pacific was what SS really wanted to film. He'd already done a huge piece on the ETO with Saving Private Ryan and it's been a long time since a PTO based movie or series has been attempted.

You've watched the PBS documentary Ken Burn's The War I assume? If not, you need to do yourself a favour and grab that from your local video store or library. Actually grab any Ken Burn's work as they're all amazing, but the The War ties in nicely to this whole series, especially since his primary references for the Pacific campaign are Sledge and Leckie's diary biography's.

Originally Posted by OLS View Post
It WILL be murder waiting for the series to wrap up ad the Boxrd set to be available. That's the first I will watch.
Why not get a buddy to PVR the series for you and then do a Pacific marathon herf?

Originally Posted by OLS View Post
Nice job with the OLYMPICS, by the way!
Thanks! I like to pretend it was all me but I guess I have to give a small amount of the credit to VANOC and the cities of Vancouver and Whistler

It's kind of funny, almost everyone I know, myself included, was so sick and tired of hearing the word "Olympics" (plus all the protesters and nay-sayers whinging on about teh cost and social housing and health care and anything else they could complain about) that a couple days before the Games we were all just wanting it done and over. Then it turned out to be the most fun 2 weeks I think I've ever had, truely an amazing amazing experience.

And the street party after the men's gold medal hockey game...... UNREAL!!! I think the only way you could possibly top that would be if you were in somewhere like London, Paris, Rome or San Paolo if their national soccer teams won a World Cup at home. Or in Auckland when the All Blacks win the real World Cup next year
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