Originally Posted by jmsremax
Illegal hits should never been called for. Settle it in the appropriate manner....take off the gloves and fight it out. Players seem to be retaliating in an unprofessional manner and it's causing some serious injuries.
I don't think explained myself clearly. It was illegal in the fact it should have been a penalty. Fighting is, by the same definition, illegal. Same with hooking, slashing, etc.
I think what makes hockey such a great sport is that the players can, to some extent, police themselves. It's tough to balance self-policing and 100% clean play though. If rules were put in place that took some of that away I think the sport’s popularity would diminish even further.
It's kind of similar to the headache (pun not intended) that Nascar is dealing with right now. They want their drivers to police themselves on the track, because that's what the fans want. Then in their fourth race someone gets intentionally spun and accidentally flipped upside down. Oops! Now what? (Sorry for bringing Nascar into the discussion!

To really confuse matters (

) if Wisniewski were suspended I wouldn't have a problem with it. I just didn't see the hit as "uncalled for". If a player gets hurt by way of an illegal hit, then I think it should be left up to the discretion of the league whether any further action should be taken (probation, fines, suspensions, etc.), regardless if the intent was to injure (which I think is impossible to determine anyway). The fact that the hit was
illegal is enough for me.