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Old 03-18-2010, 10:22 AM   #27
Suck It
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Default Re: The Pacific - DISCUSSION THREAD

Originally Posted by yourchoice View Post
At first, after one episode, I thought the same thing. But I remembered BoB's first episode, while good, wasn't where the mini-series shined. I'm still holding out hope The Pacific will be nearly as moving as BoB was.
I am kind of the opposite, I think BoB WITHOUT Episode 1 would have been very.....
I can't even come up with the concept. It would still have been a war picture of sheer
intensity, but I thought the Toccoa stuff was priceless, and very well done. It also made the
concept come together in a way that cemented our view of the characters as a true
dysfuntional family that was ironically, super-functional. LOL.

I can't imagine watching live on HBO for the first time though, and having to wait a week or more
for "Day of Days" to actually run. They way it opens with "no jump tonight" then goes to Toccoa,
and you see that whole show and end up watching the end as Winters rides into history in the
jump door of the C-41, if I didn't have the DVD remote, I would have $hit!

I heard "they said" Ep 1 was a drag with all the hometown stuff before the men got to fighting,
but who knows. I am fine with it if the character development goes on to mean something later on. But as marked as these men were forever by it, I do loves da fightin', and want to see it now.
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