Originally Posted by UFPowersmoker320
Love Band of Brothers, have the collection on DVD, watched it like 3 times. Don't have HBO but will by the box collection of The Pacific the day it comes out.

This is me. I have at least 12 complete view-throughs of BoB.
Took it to my Sister's for Christmas and they scratched disc 1.
Left it there and bought my another precious.
It is still the only thing I can watch anyday, anytime, no matter what.
I do not have cable of anykind, so I will avoid this like the plague and orgy it out
when the DVD set releases. I eat this kind of drama for lunch and would stick it in my
arm if I could fit it into a needle. Nothing gives me more pleasure cinematically than this
kind of presentation, and this type of production quality, this kind of lovingly produced
historic drama. BoB set a very high bar, though. Was David Schwimmer ever better or
could he ever be? Of course, in contrast, Is Jimmy Fallon the world's worst whatever he is?