Thanks for the link to the replay Tom. I watched a good chunk of the game last night on NHL Network, but missed it. That was a vicious hit.
Originally Posted by jmsremax
I disagree...Seabrook wasn't even in the play and look how hard Wisniewski skates over to him just so he can deliberately throw a high elbow/stick to his face. Completely uncalled for.
It seemed pretty clear to me the hit was delivered as a response to Seabrook's hit 20 seconds earlier. Was Wisniewski's hit illegal? Yes. Intent to injure? Not sure...really hard to say. Uncalled for? IMHO, no. Seabrook was late delivering his check...which looked high and bounced the guy's head off of the boards. The hit he received clearly seemed retaliatory and, IMHO, definitely served a purpose. Just like fighting majors, some are uncalled for, but many serve a purpose in the game.