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Old 03-17-2010, 09:45 PM   #1
Adjusting to the Life
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Default Computer issues... I am teh stumped!

I have a system that is around three years old, and I have had various problems with it from the start. All of these problems except for one minor one seem to come in clusters.

Here are my hardware specs

Motherboard: Asus P5B
CPU Intel Core 2 duo 6600 @2.4 gig stock cooling
Ram 4 MB GSkill PC2 6400
Video Card evga Nvidia GForce 8800GTS 640MB
Hard drive 400GB western Digital SATA 3GB/sec
PSU 700 Watt OCZ Game extreme (recently died replaced with a corsair TX650 Watt)
OS: Windows Vista 64 Bit pro

When I got the computer it was DOA. It would turn on but it wouldn't feed any video signal. Sent it back, and when I got it back it inexclipably worked. The PC builder was as stumped as I was. Fast forward six months to late 2007. I started getting periods where the system would freeze/crash along with a few scattered disk read/corrupt windows errors. I took it into the local shop where they said it was a motherboard problem, and replaced the motherboard. No more problems. Pretty much rock solid except for one small problem.

Fast forward two and a half years. Today the computer slows down and just about hard freezes, it wont restart. I click the power supply off and restart it. I get a brief blue screen error and a reboot. Then I get another error about a corrupt windows, and it needing the windows disk. I again restart it and it blue screen with a "disk read" error.

I figure "Hey the hard drives dead" so I pull the hard drive and start the RMA process. I then replace the hard drive and it boots into windows with absolutely no issue. I do a scan disk. And the hard drive seems to scan perfectly. No issue. I am teh stumped! I am posting from the computer now and I have no issue.

One extra caveat that may or may not be relevant. For the three years I have owned the computer, through both motherboards it seems like maybe once every few days, I get no video when the rest of the computer boots. I have to turn the computer off/on at the power supply to get video working again. Its odd. But it doesen't really bother me.

So. Is this the motherboard, the hard drive or something completely else?

If I do have to replace the MB what do you guys recommend that would be compatable with my current hardware yet upgradable in the future as I plan to do?
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