Thread: It's time
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Old 03-16-2010, 02:52 PM   #20
Cranky Habanophile
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Default Re: It's time

Fred, Thank you so much for all you have done over the years to make our donation program possible. Before I joined the old site I had never directly done anything to support our troops overseas. Through your hard work and dedication I was introduced to a form of support which had never crossed my mind. To directly interact with individual soldiers has been a truly rewarding experience. I have been inspired to be the main collection point for the Northern California botl's and collect at every herf.

As Tom said, "Thank you" is not nearly enough for all you have done over the years. But, Thank you none the less.

Hugh, Thank you for stepping up and good luck. I am confident you will do a great job and if there is anything we can do to make things easier, please dont hesitate to ask.
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