03-16-2010, 02:35 PM
PSHC - T1nyH@
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: South Carolina
Posts: 1,440
Re: It's time
Originally Posted by icehog3
Fred, "Thank You" hardly seems enough for all you have done both here and at CS for the Troops..and allowed us to feel a part of it all the way. You have our admiration, respect and gratitude for all you have done. 
Originally Posted by massphatness
I have no doubt that Hugh will do an absolutely wonderful job in his new role. He is a generous and thoughtful BOTL who is well liked and respected on the board. You would have been hard pressed to find someone better.
However, that is not to say you won't be missed in this role. Your dedication, selflessness and perserverance have earned you my respect and admiration. I salute you, Mr. Tolson.
It is also my fervant hope that we see you wandering the halls of the Asylum. I know life sometimes intrudes on this hobby of ours and access to the board.takes a back seat to the real world, but I for one want you to know your presence is sorely missed.
Thanks for your efforts, Fred. We can all take a lesson from you on walking the talk.
 Cant put it any better than that.