Originally Posted by TheRiddick
I think all the England players have lots of coverage lately and Becks is just one of them. I read daily reports on all the England players and do not see "favoritism" for any, IMO. Be it Terry, Cole (both or is it 3 now), Rio, Bridge, Rooney, etc. Plenty of news on all...
Problem is, who is going to play that side now? SWP is the only decent choice left, the rest are either injured or cannot play consistently. Oh well...
The English media has always had a special place for Beckham in its pages, whether it's for good or bad if he's involved it's always a top story.
Funny thing is, you're completely right that the big story right now isn't really that Beckham is hurt but that the only option to start in that spot is SWP...and he's just not good enough to make an impact at that level. Personally, I think the fact that Lennon is hurt is a bigger issue because Beckham was never going to be a starter anyways.