I did everything but the cars and after I got out of the trail after doing a few miles on the Mountain Bike this afternoon, I got the car loaded back up and looked at the clock and was like, Man it's only 2, I still have enough time to go home, take a shower, eat something quick, smoke a cigar with a beer or three before we need to meet the outlaws for dinner. Got home and after getting the car unloaded walked in the house and realized that I was an hour behind. Son of a *&@$!!!!! Didn't get that smoke in today. To be honest my whole day has been off today. Woke up late from the time change and had to mess with the laptop for a an hour or so since the wife came downstairs while I was eating breakfast and said " I got this weird e-mail from my old e-mail account with a link to some weird website." Ughhh, so I ended up having to regain control of her old e-mail addy and than scan the machine for viruses which came up with two files that got put into quarantine from the e-mail she clicked the link for but thankfully she mentioned it to me and now she knows not to click "weird" links.