Originally Posted by icehog3
Raisin (Mike) makes bacon like this, and fed an army at one of the Shack Herfs.....made the best BLTs I have had before or since. 
Thanks for remembering, Tom... but actually what i prepared was "Buckboard Bacon", made from the shoulder of the pig which is 90% meat as opposed to the 90% fat in belly bacon.
Originally Posted by blugill

Raw, uncured pork belly.

After rubbing the curing mixture on the bacon and placing in the two gallon ziploc bags. That should give you an idea of how big the slabs are.
This is not technically "bacon", either - no nitrates! If you want the real bacon color, flavor, and long shelf life you need the addition of nitrates to the salt. This is the difference between salt pork and bacon. I just this week had a BLT made from bacon 9 months old (unfrozen), i would not try that with bacon that was just salt cured.