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Old 03-14-2010, 02:15 PM   #404
Jordan #2
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Default Re: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 2

Originally Posted by ucubed View Post
Yes I would Jordan...I signed up for Niketalk for a Modern Warfare 1 tournament...let's just say people like to talk smack and get owned 1v1 when they play me =)...I've done a lot of tournament play in MW1 and only a little in MW2 so I wanted to spice things up a little...

I stopped using the nukes because instead of getting 40 kills in a game, without the nuke I'm up to close to 60 a game
Yes.. we know you've done tournament play. You've talked about it plenty

Yes .. we know we suck and gladly contribute to your 60 kills a game.

But honestly I'd rather just bomb you sticks than make the game any less fun than it already is while I'm getting my ass kicked by some overly analytical person who studies every facet of every map to maximize killing potential.
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