Originally Posted by JE3146
Actually, thanks for making an assumption that is completely wrong. I had a water bottle under my seat once that through casual driving (foot going back and forth from gas to brake) had rolled foreword while going around a corner. Didn't realize it and let off the gas while approaching a reduced speed zone(55 to 45 to 35 in a very short span of a small town) and my gas didn't let off. Why? The bottle was wedged between the accelerator and the wall. Half a second of terror followed by clutching to get rid of the acceleration followed by punching the accelerator with my foot to free it from being stuck.
It didn't end in 100+ mph speeds (though I doubt it would have because it wasn't stuck that far forward) or phone calls of certain death.
As for phones while driving, luckily for the rest of us, they're slowly outlawing driving while talking on the phone.
According to this study(with casual glance), apparently it is more difficult, as it creates a 38% higher chance of creating injury threatening automotive accidents while chatting on the cell phone.
And as a person who was struck by a dumbass chatting on a cell phone while I was stopped at a stoplight, I can attest to that.
But back to point.
I stand behind my opinion of this woman. Regardless of the situation. Know your vehicle. Take nothing for granted.
You can have your opinion, I respect your thoughts and opinions Jordan.
I just can't figure out why she's a moron?
Because she made a phone call?
If so, are all who phone and drive morons? Maybe not morons but doing dumbass things. Maybe the person who hit you wasn't a dumbass but just in dumbass mode for a few minutes. I know in my 49 years I've had plenty of dumbass moments, my fault no one to blame but me, but don't consider myself a dumbass and would be insulted if I was called a dumbass or moron.
I hate cell phone use while driving as much as most, maybe more. As for outlawing cell phone use...good luck with that one. Driving drunk, speeding, running stop signs, etc. are all outlawed but I see it almost every commute. You can't legislate brains or morals.