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Old 03-13-2010, 02:28 PM   #15
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Default Re: Differences In Tats???

Originally Posted by Col. Kurtz View Post

If I understand it correctly (and I probably don't since I'm not a huge Tat fan).

-The Brown labels are rolled in Miami.
-The Red and White labels are rolled in Nic. and due to the lower labor cost are a lower priced alternative.
-The White label is a mixed long and medium length filler.
-Jamie is Jose Don Pepin Garcia's son.

Hope this helps a little.
Thanks! So DPG & Jose Don Pepin Garcia One & The Same?

Originally Posted by RevSmoke View Post
Basically, the VI is the red line, and is less expensive because labor is cheaper in Nicaragua than in Miami. The blend is also a bit different than the brown. Is it lower quality? No!
Thanks, Rev! What Are The Differences In Taste, Please? Thanks!
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